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Social Media Links:Bluesky: NariRP
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Minds NariRP

☽•°⛥°•☾Experienced Writer
Female | 35+
Writer tag: #NariRP
Timezone: CET
First Language: German

☽•°⛥°•☾Disclaimer:The lores I wrote are more or less
influenced by Books, Games, Tv Shows and
Movies, and I puted my own thoughts and
imagination into it.
I have also used the Canon of a Verse as
a Basis for one or the other lore and
changes were made according to my ideas.
So there are more or less overlaps with
various Verses in one lore possible.


By #NariRP


What I like and dislike

In no particular order.

I Like

• Music
• Books
• Movies/Series/Anime
• Gaming
• Writing (RP)
• Drawing
• Tinkering
• Warmth

I Dislike

• Boredom
• To be hungry.
• If people don't tell me they've changed their mind. (RP interaction) (1)
• People who say communication is important but don't stick to it themselves. (2)
• Cold

(1) There's nothing wrong with changing your mind, but then please tell the person in question! Anything else would be really unfair.

(2) If I ask a question, whether in a tweet or in the DMs (to the person directly), and only get silence as an answer, that sucks!
I don't ask questions such as whether further interaction is desired or not out of boredom, but because it's important to me to know! Especially if I haven't been active for a long time.

Types of Vampirism» Blood Ritual:The blood ritual is a very old ritual in which a vampire gives a human some of his blood to drink.
As a result, this human usually suffers death only to be resurrected as a new vampire.
For a long time there were rumors that the vampire had to suck out the blood of the human he wants to transform until shortly before cardiac arrest, but research has shown that this is only a rumor.
However, whether this type of vampire is capable of reproduction is unknown, as there are no clearly documented cases of this.
══════════════════» Blood Curse:The Winged Race, were one of the three original sapient species known to exist before Nosgoth's recorded history.
The blood curse was imposed on the Winged Race by the Hylden during a thousand year war between the two factions.
The ancient Vampires, also referred to simply as the Ancients or the
Originally, the Ancients were mortal creatures, but when they were afflicted with the blood curse by their Hylden adversaries, they became sterile immortals with supernatural powers, forced to drink blood to survive.
The ancient Vampires through this curse had been made sterile, effectively making their race unable to rebuild and prosper after the war, as well as being given a horrible bloodlust.
It was the final part of the curse that truly condemned the Vampires as a race as it struck them with immortality.
══════════════════» Necromancy:In Nosgoth there are two different types of necromancy to create a Vampire, as it is in the rest of the world is not known.The first option is to use an appropriate item like the Heart of Darkness.
The Heart of Darkness is the heart of Janos Audron, one of the last existing Ancient Vampires of Nosgoth.
When the object is implanted in the dead body of a person and by means of the associated ritual, the person returns to life as a Vampire.
This method can be used by a human (Necromancer) to create a Vampire.
However, since such items are extremely rare, this method is no longer practiced.
The second way is to catch a soul from the underworld and imprison it in the respective dead body.
In this procedure, a part of its own is added to the soul in order to transmit the vampiric gift.
This could be done with any sized fraction of the Soul, though the more was used, generally, the more powerful the Vampire was when they returned to life.
This method used to be used in Nosgoth to raise huge armies for war.
This type of vampire has been shown to be sterile and cannot reproduce naturally.
This method can only be used by Vampires.
══════════════════» Vampire Genes:General:An estimated 3/4 of the human population in Nosgoth is a carrier of the V-Gene. But not all humans who carry this Gene turn into Vampires. In fact, it was found that not even 20% of the carriers transformed.The V-Gene comes in two variants.
There is a dominant and a recessive form of the Gene.
The V-Gene, or rather Genes, were first discovered in Nosgoth about 300 years ago.
It was found out that the dominant variant is mainly carried by men, while the recessive form is predominantly carried by women. Men and women can carry both variants or just one.
Whereby the dominant variant is decisive for men, while the recessive variant is decessive for women in order to become a Vampire.
With men, the dominant variant leads to approx. 55% that they slowly turn into a Vampire during their puberty. For women, on the other hand, there is only a approx. 45% chance that they will turn into Vampires during their puberty.
In women, the dominant variant is inactive, while the recessive variant is dormant and only becomes active at puberty.
It is also interesting that not all who transform survive this transformation. About 40% do not survive due to the temporary severe weakening of the body and the individual duration of the transformation.Whether and how many humans outside of Nosgoth carry one or the other variant of this Gene is unknown.


Genesis/Emergence:Not much is known about the genesis of the V-Gene, but there is a coherent theory.When the winged race existed, well before the first wars in Nosgoth, it was not unlikely that some humans would occasionally become involved with the winged race. This resulted in certain Genes of the winged race being introduced into humans, although at first this did not seem to have much of an effect on the offspring of such a compound. Such connections were not welcomed, but were nevertheless tolerated.
That, or rather the Genes that were later to be identified as the V-Genes, apparently had no function for a long time.
But that seemed to change with the curse the Hylden had placed on the winged race before they were banished and sealed into the demon dimension.
So it can be assumed that due to the curse, these Genes spontaneously went through a mutation and thus got a purpose.
Unfortunately, it is not possible to get to the bottom of this theory that the winged race died out with Janos Audrons dead and his body was cremated as well.
Likewise, his heart, known as the Heart of Darkness, has remained missing to this day.



Wendigowak LoreThe 4 Shapes of a Wendigo» Human Shape: What the Wendigo looks like in human form depends on its ancestry.» Mist Shape: The Mist shape is a white fog with no fixed physical structure. It is reminiscent of a ghostly figure in animal form.
In this form it is possible for the Wendigo to enter houses and rooms, with the exception of hermetically sealed houses or rooms.
» Animal Shape: The animal shape is reminiscent of a snow leopard, but with longer legs, larger ears and a more graceful/leaner body.
The fur is usually white with a bluish tinge, with the exception of the pattern of spots typical of a snow leopard, but the spots are pale black until pale blueish grey. Another color variant is black with a bluish tinge, there are the pattern spots pale white until pale bluish grey.
» Wendigo Shape: The average size of a Wendigow is 7'7 ft | 2,30 m. Alphas are slightly larger with an average height of 8'2 ft | 2,50 m. The largest Alpha sighted so far was 8'10 ft | 2,68 m tall. The men are usually taller than the women.
The Wendigo figure is a large, upright cat-like creature. The head looks as if the bare skull bone could be seen above, but in fact it is a special pattern of his fur. The snoute is longer than from a Cat, almost as long as a Werewolf snout and in its mouth are long, pointy and sharp teeth. It has long arms with elongated fingers on the hands, which are set with long, sharp claws. Upper and lower body look emaciated but still very muscular. The legs are a little longer than the arms. The coat color is usually white with a slight bluish tinge. Another color variant is black with a slight bluish cast, but this has so far only been observed in one individual.
══════════════════General» Age: How old Wendigowak can get is unknown, as they are immortal, whose aging process stops at an individual age.» Belonging: Wendigowak, like werewolves and other were-beings, belong to the shape-shifters, whereby in addition to their Wendigo shape they also have a Mist shape and an Animal shape.» Behavior: Wendigowak are incredibly strong, even by monster terms, they can tear humans limb from limb, snap necks and carry two people at once and even drag them up a tree with ease. They are considered to be among the strongest of monsters.Cold Breath is an ability typically only possessed by Alphas, it is extremely rare that a relative (sister/brother) of the Alpha will also be able to do this and usually this is a sign that that individual may also advance to an Alpha. This ability can only be used in Animal Form or Wendigo Form.Wendigowak are extremely intelligent and are pretty good hunters during the day, but are even better at night. They usually hunt at night, making it difficult for Hunters to track them down during the day because they are out and about in human form during the day.They possess enhanced senses, making them perfect hunters, they can see perfectly in darkness because of their glowing, owl like eyes, and have similarly enhanced hearing.It is almost impossible to fight these creatures during the night, as they benefit from their high intelligence and keen senses and they prefer to hunt during this time.Wendigowak are usually solitary beings, but they can also live in a pack.
If they decide to live in a pack, strict rules are necessary so that there are no arguments or even attacks among one another.
Not every Wendigo has what it takes to become an Alpha. In fact, ascending to an alpha is fairly rare among the Wendigowak.They used to live during the winter months, living in abandoned caves and hibernating, hoarding their prey in the cave. Nowadays only a few representatives of their kind show this behavior, which is due to the advancement of civilization.There are two ways of life of the Wendigowak, some are loyal to their location with territory and others are nomadic. What does it mean that they live in houses or in caravans - what they prefer.» Advices: Wendigowak are invulnerable to normal knives and guns. The use of such weapons against them provokes them.Any weapon with silver can injure Wendigowak, but it is a rumor that it would be fatal for them.Special Anasazi symbols, drawn in protective circles, will keep a Wendigo away.


Definition of possessed^pos·sessed | \ pə-ˈzest, also -ˈsest \ ^1a(1): influenced or controlled by something (such as an evil spirit, a passion, or an idea)
(2) : mad, crazed
b: urgently desirous to do or have something
2: obsolete : held as a possession
3: self-possessed, calm
In this case we talking about the definition 1a(1).═════════════════GeneralComing soon...═════════════════The 4 Stages of Possession» Attachment:This can happen in all sorts of places, but mostly there are places with tragic or very disturbing/bloody stories, or past true events.
In some cases, a curse or a ritual can also be the cause.
Most people don't notice this attachment, which tends to come from certain types of spirits or demons.
So far there is or was no evidence that demigods or deities have attached themselves to humans.
However, this does not mean that this is impossible or has never happened before.
» Attention:In this phase, the Entity that has attached itself to a human is now trying to get their attention.
In this phase, the Entity will present themselves as harmless to the person concerned and it seems to the person concerned that this Entity wants to help them, which is only the case in the rarest of cases.
In fact, it is flattering to enter into a form of seemingly friendly relationship with the human. But the truth is that the Entity wants to make the human dependent on itself.
» Break:In the third phase, the Entity tries to break the will of the human, which happens on a psychic, physical level or a combination of both.
Once the human is dependent on the Entity in some form, the entity begins to try to separate the human from others (friends, family) by actively intervening in the behavior of the human.
Initially only occasionally this will happen more and more frequently. As a result, violence is often used against third parties who have noticed the changes and want to help.
Over time, the Entity uses more and more violence against the person directly affected, as well as against those who want to help the person concerned.
» Takeover:Coming soon...


══════ ☽•°°•☾ ══════Disclaimer:
I'm NOT (!) the Person on the Pic!
The Bluesky/Minds Account associated with this Site is for Role Play purposes ONLY!
The Person on the Picture is in NO WAY (!) affiliated with me, the Owner and Writer of the associated Bluesky/Minds Account!
Interactions with people from Real Life (RL) are NOT (!) desired and RL Accounts are blocked without exception!
This Account is not suitable for minors nor for RPs with them!
The content is strictly aimed at adults!
══════ ☽•°1°•☾ ══════Faceclaim (FC)Meaning: My muse looks like the person used as FC without being that person.Note: Statements, Opinions and Actions are at no time related to the real person who is used as the FC!══════ ☽•°2°•☾ ══════How I write• "...Text..." → In Character talk 1
• '...Text...' → In Character Shapeshifter 1
• ...Text... → What the Character is doing
• [...Text...] → Thoughts in Character
• //...Text... → Out of Character (OoC)
1 Pls don't take everything so serious when I'm in Character! Thx!══════ ☽•°3°•☾ ══════Writer vs MuseKeep in mind that Words, Actions, as well as Behavior, Personality, Personal Views, or Opinions of my Muse are not a personal representation of me, the Writer and the used FC.IC is different from OoC!My Muse has their own Personality and Life Experience and will act according to their past experiences, their own personality and the situation.══════ ☽•°4°•☾ ══════Drama = Block› Don't involve/drag me (the Writer) in stupid unnecessary Drama, I've had enough of that in the past.
If there is something that bothers you then talk to me directly in the DM.
If you do it regardless, I will block you without warning.
› Don't accuse me (the Writer) of anything without first talking to me personally.
As an example, never accuse me of copying another Muse just because I use the same FC and without first taking a good look at my Muse!
If you do it nevertheless, you will be blocked without warning.
══════ ☽•°5°•☾ ══════Punctuations, Speech & ActionPlease put at least a little bit effort in your replies and keep your speech and actions separated. Thx!══════ ☽•°6°•☾ ══════OpenRP & Specific Starters› OpenRP: I don't always write OpeneRP in a post. The reasons for this are that I am sometimes too lazy to write it in or simply need the space because I want to leave it at one post.› Specific Starters: In the case of plotted SLs, the post is set to "Only mentioned persons can reply".
Unfortunately, it has happened in the past that unwanted (harmless) reactions occurred.
══════ ☽•°7°•☾ ══════My DMsAre mostly open for OoC talk./Are only open for OoC and plotting SLs.
Please ask beforehand if I want to RP in my DMs.
You can also hit me up there if you have any questions about a RP or my Muse.
Pls accept & respect that I preffer/only want to RP on the TL. Thx!══════ ☽•°8°•☾ ══════How descriptive I am?I'm semi descriptive til descriptive.
It depends on my mood & inspiration!
══════ ☽•°9°•☾ ══════Multi Ships w/ChemNo focus on that.
Talk with me about that beforehand!
#MultiShip (#MS) means for me different Timelines/Story's and not one!
If you don't like my ship/s and you can't respect it, you'd better go.
Single Ship w/high ChemNo focus on that.
Selective, with high chem and a long SL.
Talk with me about that beforehand in the DMs!
#SingleShip (#SS) without exception!
If you don't like my ship and you can't respect it, you'd better go.
Affairs w/high ChemThis Muse is NO SHIP/S (!), which is why he will only have Affairs, which he will appreciate very much.Note:
I'll handle it like Multi Ship here, so each Affair will have its own Timeline/Story!
If you don't like my Muse Affairs and you can't respect it, you'd better go.
══════ ☽•°10°•☾ ══════Flirt, Lewd, Erotic & NsfwFlirt: Possible that my Muse will tease your Muse in a flirty way.Lewd: This is Accounts is not a lewd Accounts!!Erotic (Male Muses): Neither on the TL nor in my DMs!
I only write allusions to it, but I prefer time jumps to avoid such scenes.
My muse doesn't exist to satisfy your sexual needs or fantasy!Erotic (Female Muses): No focus on it and only with Ship.Forced or even the attempt will not be tolerated and will result in a block.
I have certain limits, please ask them beforehand!!!
My muse doesn't exist to satisfy your sexual needs or fantasy!Nsfw: Doesn't always mean Erotic, it means also Mature and Dark themed stuff.══════ ☽•°°•☾ ══════

» I'm a really patient person. But sometimes I can also be very impatient, which is usually due to special situations.» I am afraid of the dark in closed rooms at night. But outside it's no problem.» I don't take myself too serious!» I'm a big weirdo!
(Sorry if I should scare you!)
» I have a stress disorder caused by emotional stress.» I'm really damn selective with persons who can touch me!
That includes hugs and cuddles.
» I have seasonal depression which occurs differently every year.
And yes, sometimes it is difficult to see for yourself that you are currently in a low phase.

╔═════════ ☽•°⛥°•☾ ═════════╗Disclaimer:I'm NOT (!) the Person in the Pic!
The Bluesky Account associated with this Site
is for Role Play purposes ONLY!
The Person in the Picture is in NO WAY (!)
affiliated with me, the Owner and Writer
of the associated Bluesky Account!
Statements, Opinions and Actions are
at no time (!) related to the real person
who is used as the FC!
Interactions with people from Real Life are
NOT (!) desired and RL Accounts will be
blocked without exception!
Beware:The associated Bluesky Account is not
suitable for minors nor for RPs with them!
The content is strictly aimed at adults!
╚═════════ ☽•°⛥°•☾ ═════════╝

══════ ☽•°⛥°•☾ ══════

Note: Feel free to use the following yourself if it helps you to better describe your muse.
It's helpful to me but also helpful to others.
══════ ☽•°⛥°•☾ ══════» Content/Character Tags:» Type of Character:
» Verse/Fandom:
» Face Claim:
» Artist: -
» Name:
» Age:
» Species:
» Height:
» Height Species:
» Hair Color:
» Eye Color:
» Gender:
» Pronouns:
» Seuality:
» Distinctive Marks:
» Likes:» Dislikes:» Personality:» Skills:» Family:
» Titles:» Occupation:» Weapons:» Weaknesses:» Quotes:

══════ ☽•°⛥°•☾ ══════

════════ ☽•°⛥°•☾ ════════☽ Content/Character Tags ☾
☽ Type of Character ☾
☽ Verse/Fandom ☾
☽ Face Claim ☾
☽ Artist ☾
#NotAffiliated════════ ☽•°⛥°•☾ ════════☽ Appearence ☾Name:Gender:Pronouns:Age:Voice:Species:Height Human:Height Species:Blood Type:Hair Color:Eye Color:Body:Sexuality:Distinctive Marks:════════ ☽•°⛥°•☾ ════════☽ Individuality ☾Personality:Likes:Dislikes:════════ ☽•°⛥°•☾ ════════☽ Skills ☾› General:════════ ☽•°⛥°•☾ ════════☽ Relative ☾Family:
════════ ☽•°⛥°•☾ ════════☽ Titles ☾════════ ☽•°⛥°•☾ ════════☽ Occupation ☾════════ ☽•°⛥°•☾ ════════☽ Weapons ☾════════ ☽•°⛥°•☾ ════════☽ Weaknesses ☾════════ ☽•°⛥°•☾ ════════☽ Quotes ☾════════ ☽•°⛥°•☾ ════════

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» Code Name:
» Alias:
» Name:
» First Name:
» Name Wolf/Lycan/...:» Species:
» Age:
» Gender:
» Blood Type:
» Voice:
» Height:
» Height Species:
» Sexuality:
» Weaknesses:
» Occupation:» Weapons:

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